June 27, 2024
New Feature
- Added the ability to track CPD points
- Activities can now be flagged as CPD Activities
- Credits can be used for CPD Points
- CPD Points can be enabled on certificate templates as a new field
- CPD Points can be previewed and moved in Advanced Element Positioner
- New Email template category created where you can include CPD Activity
- If a template is flagged as CPD template, you can opt to send an email to student as a new certificate action
- CPD license number is now available against a student profile
- "Always open" timetables were closed in widgets if they had sessions
- Timetable search was excluding paginated results due to insufficient ordering
- Automated Messaging fixes
- Fixed formatting issues with new lines
- Fixed renewal reminder emails and SMS not sending
- Creating a qualification and auto-creating Catapult activities was not adding the activity to pathway
- Fix date issue for Training Partner lodgements
- Merge tags tinyMCE not working
- Added a preference for Xero invoice number source
- Corporate portal stats are refreshed on a regular interval instead of when the corporate portal is loaded, cutting down on load times
- When creating a trainer or assessor who already exists, just link them without the requirement of their Date of Birth matching.
- Allowed email templates to hide the "standard" logo
- Added "purchase order number" to Custom Report Generator
- Presentation update for multiple choice questions; muted colours and random ordering.
- Students can no longer delete previous file submissions
- Added support for some more file types for student upload, e.g. ppt and pptx
- Added option to change certificate from VET to non-VET as it affects layout
Added VET in School fields to enrolments. These were previously calculated from the person’s “At School” flag.
- Training Partners additions
- Added ability for Training Partners to switch timetable within Partner Portal
- Added ability for Training Partners to enrol a timetable’s participants into a new timetable
- Admin users and now create a partner timetable from admin portal
- Save and automatically apply last filters on Partner Portal "View Schedule" page
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