Release 5.90

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November 14, 2024

New Features

  • Added the report from Manage → Results/Progress to the Report List in the partner portal.
  • Upgraded our widget options to allow them to be for a Training Partner.
  • Training Partners can now configure their own widgets for embedding on their website.


  • Updated file uploaders throughout the system to use common drag-n-drop interface for consistency and security.
  • Added pagination to the Manage → Vouchers screen so you can see more than 50 vouchers.
  • Added a new page to view all voucher redemptions.
  • A user can filter and then export the data they see.
  • Redesigned the voucher card look to be more responsive.
  • Updated validation on the self-enrolment page so that all validation errors are presented at once, rather than one at a time.
  • Updated some visual styling on the self-enrolment page.
  • Updated the logic for Google Analytics Tracking codes. “Completion” codes were previously always being executed; these now only happen on the new enrol_end.php file. Your Google Analytics tracking may need to be updated to account for this new “finished” landing page. Tracking codes that are not marked as “completion” will run on every load of enrol.php and enrol_end.php.
  • Added “previous attempts” to bulk assessment page, and styled both bulk assessment and single question assessment to look the same.
  • Added the enrolment ID to the custom report page as a selectable field.
  • Removed the requirement to have a date of birth when importing enrolments for a timetable.
  • Updated all text boxes in the Description tab of the Course and Module Specifications pages to use TinyMCE/WYSIWYG editors.
  • Added more quick buttons to the top of the Enrolment Progress Tracker to let you get to the Timetable Item Students, the Manage Booking screen and the Advanced Student Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where unit-level certificates were being queued for course-level enrolments. To generate certificates for individual units that form part of an enrolment, please generate a Transitory certificate.
  • Added a preference for what happens when you visit the Certificate Production Queue with regards to all enrolments in a timetable having their certificates generated.


  • Fixed a bug where the trainer selection appeared twice in the Partner Portal when adding sessions to a timetable.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing students with an apostrophe in their name from being able to be selected for re-enrolment.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible that AVETMISS profiles were being created with blank country information for addresses.
  • Made changes to the logic of Catapult Activity launching where the National Code for the unit was blank. This will be moved to its own field in Release 5.91 to allow for more granular control of which activity is which Catapult Unit.
  • Fixed an issue where videos were no longer playing within the system.
  • Fixed an issue where removing units that were a part of a course’s cluster roadmap caused all CAE units to be hidden from the course.
  • Fixed an issue where the “copy” button in “My uploaded files” was not working. We have changed the look and feel of these grey buttons to look more like buttons that you can actually click on.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not save the second page of a Student Declaration activity against a unit.
  • Fixed an issue where exams were redirecting to the exam start page instead of the section start page.
  • Fixed a set of bad Content-Security-Policy headers present within self-enrolment links.

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