Archive Exam

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The archive feature is useful for exams which are no longer being used or that have been replaced or updated. It will move them off the active exam list so they don't create visual clutter. 

How to Archive an Exam

  1. Navigate to Courses > My Exams
  2. Locate the exam you want to archive (use the search function - or locate in the list)
  3. Click the edit button
  4. Click button to archive the exam
  5. Click the "OK" button to confirm and archive the exam
  6. You will see confirmation that the exam has been archived

View Archived Exams

  1. Navigate to Courses > My Exams
  2. Click the Show Archived Exams text
  3. This will now display a list of any archived exams, with an archive box icon to indicate it is archivedthumb_Exam_54
  4. Click the Show Active Exams text to return to viewing your active exams

Restore A Previously Archived Exam

To restore an exam to the active exams list;

  1. View archived exam following instructions above
  2. Open the archived exam by clicking the edit button
  3. Where you were previously had the option to archive, you can now see option to RESTOREthumb_Exam_55
  4. You will see a confirmation message when the exam has been restored (un-archived):thumb_Exam_56

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