Multiple Choice questions allow you to create up to six possible responses for a student to select a single correct response from, and are assessed automatically because the correct answer has been specified in the question set up.
You could also create a multiple choice question with only one possible response, for example if you are requesting confirmation from a student. eg. I have watched the full duration of the video above - with YES as the sole possible response.
How to Create a Multiple Choice Question
- Select Multiple Choice as the response type
- Populate your possible responses in the box provided, and click the add button to save your response. They will begin to populate into a list.
- When all your possible responses have been populated, click the tick to indicate which is the correct response
- If required, you can re-order the responses. Hover your mouse over the response you wish to move, and you should see a vertical arrow. Click and hold to drag the response to it's new position. Release to drop the response in the new position.
- If required, you can delete a response, by clicking on the cross icon
Important: A correct answer must be set for the question, or else the student will not be able to answer the question or complete the exam.
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