Fill Matrix Questions

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Fill Matrix questions can be applied in a wide variety of ways.

By creating a matrix containing rows and columns this allows you to structure questions such as the below, among other applications; 

  • ask a question where the student should select or provide multiple correct responses
  • ask a question where there are more than six possible responses
  • ask the student to order the responses already provided on screen

Fill matrix questions are assessed automatically because the correct answer has been specified in the question set up. 


How to Create a Fill Matrix Question

  1. Select Fill Matrix as the response type

  2. Create the matrix, by choosing the number of vertical columns and horizontal rows requiredthumb_Questions_12

  3. Select which response type students should use to answer the question. Which option you choose will depend on the question and how you want the student to be able to answer it.
    Check boxes allow them to select multiple responses within a single row or column.
    Radio selectors will allow only one response in a single row.
    Text box responses are case sensitive.

  4. Populate the matrix with row and column labels
  5. Populate the correct answers.
    If using check boxes, an answer is correct if it has a tick in the box
    If using radio selectors, an answer is correct if it is selected
    If using text, an answer is correct if it matches exactly with the text provided in the box. 
    This is best used for numerical responses, as responses are case sensitive and will not account for typos or incorrect spelling such as variations in American and British English spelling.


Example "fill matrix" questions from student portal view





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