The question editor has a range of functions, each of which are reviewed in detail below.
Question Section
This is where you should provide a unique question ID, write your question text and format the text presentation
Question ID Reference (Optional)
Populate a unique question ID. Limited to 40 characters.
Display Setting
Select whether you want the Question ID Reference displayed to students, assessors and trainers
Question Text
Populate your question text that is displayed to the student.
Any links beginning with https:// will automatically be converted to a clickable link.
Use the formatting buttons to change the text presentation - ie. bold, italics, colour, etc.
Click the plain text formatting button to instead format your text with HTML
Response Section
There are 5 question types to choose from when creating your questions.
Click on the question type below to learn more about creating each individual question type.
- Multiple choice (auto-assessed)
- Fill matrix (auto-assessed)
- Fill blanks (auto-assessed)
- Free text field (human assessed)
- File submission (human assessed)
Media Section
If provided, this will appear above the question text when presented to the student in an exam. This might be supporting material which the question may rely on, or simply add to the visual presentation of the exam question.
Supported media types include:
- Image (.gif, .png, .jpg)
- Video (.mp4, .avi, .flv, .ogv)
- Audio (.wav, .mp3, .ogg)
The file can be uploaded to Vasto directly, or a URL can be provided if it is hosted externally.
Question: I have supplied a vimeo URL link, but the video will not play?
Answer: Ensure the URL link meets the suggested formatting provided where the x's are unique letters and numbers.
A link to a playlist of videos will not be accepted. It needs to be a link to an individual video.
Information Resources
Files can be provided against an individual question. The student may need to answer the question based on their comprehension of this material or it might be a template which they need to complete.
You can add a file providing an external URL link, or by uploading a file from your device.
Upload a file
While the upload a file tab is selected, click button to attach files.
Select a file from your existing files in the file manager - or upload a new one -
Link to a URL
Select the link to a URL tab
Populate each of the fields, and click save
These resources are available from the menu bar at the bottom of the student portal
Answer Assist
Answer Assist is an optional feature, where you can provide students with a hint, directions to resources or additional learning material which will assist them with answering the question.
Enter the hint text for students in the text field
Do not use HTML. Links beginning with https:// will automatically convert to a clickable link.
Text hints will appear as a HINT icon in the student portal -
Upload a file
This should be a small file, with information specific to the question. A larger file should be provided in the question resources. Attaching longer documents will result in significant delays for all students.
Provide a URL link
This might be to a website or we resource, or files hosted externally
Cataloguing involves assigning detailed search terms to your question, so that you are more easily able to search for and locate questions from your question library.
There are three levels of cataloguing available;
Broad search: Assign a faculty
A faculty is a broad category, which is used for broad searching.
For example: healthcare, business.
Medium search: Assign a category
A category drills down further from faculty level, allowing you to catalogue a group of related questions
For example: unit code, unit title, first aid, health, management, finance.
Fine search: Assign tags
A tag allows you to catalogue specific topics or knowledge areas
For example: unit code, unit title, CPR, asthma, leadership, payroll.
Where an exam has already been created in your Vasto account, you can allocate the question to a section in that exam.
See help page on how to add existing questions to an exam for more information.
The compliance section allows you to map the question to a skill. This data can be exported in a Excel spreadsheet collating the skills mapping for all questions within an exam.
There is also the option to record the performance and knowledge evidence against the question.
See help page on compliance mapping for more information.
This function will provide you a preview of what the question will look like when it is viewed from the student portal.
It is a helpful tool to ensure that any question text or media files, for instance, are being displayed as intended.
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