How to Edit and Delete a Question

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Editing and deleting exam questions may cause data loss. Please read carefully.

How to Delete a Question

If a question has been answered by a student and the question is subsequently deleted, this will result in data loss of student responses. 

Only questions which have never been used by students should be deleted. 

  1. Navigate to Courses > My Questions
  2. Locate the question from the question list, or using the search function. 
  3. Click edit to open the question
  4. Click delete in the bottom right corner on screenmceclip0.png

Deleting the question is permanent! If the question has been allocated to multiple exams, deleting it will remove it from all exams simultaneously. 


How to Edit a Question

If a question has been answered by a student and the question is subsequently changed or otherwise edited, this will change the question details recorded for your previous students, and in some circumstances can result in data loss.

Making changes to an existing question is only appropriate where the change does not impact the correctness of previous student responses.

For example, these changes would be acceptable;

A) There is a typo in your question text, which you fix

B) You rephrase the question text to be more clear or elicit a more detailed response from students
"Why is the sky blue" is edited to "Why is the sky blue? Explain using principles of light refraction"

  1. Navigate to Courses > My Questions
  2. Locate the question from the question list, or using the search function. 
  3. Click edit to open the question
  4. Make any changes to the question text, question answers, etc
  5. Click save or save+close

If changing any of the below;

  • the response type (ie. currently question is MCQ and you want to make it a short answer written response)
  • the question (ie. instead of asking "Why is the sky blue" you instead ask "Is a banana a herb or a fruit?")
  • the correct answer (ie. what is the population of Australia? Was correct in 2019 at 25.37mil. However, it has since increased and the correct answer for 2020 is 25.69mil)

These changes require that you make a new question and follow the unit upgrade process. This allows you to make the new version of the question available to your future students, while retaining the previous question, it's history, and previous student responses for records keeping and audit purposes. 

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